Don't wanna be your weekend lover
Number of words: 345

The pack hunt had gone well. The harvest festival had gone well. The only thing not going well was her life. Deuce sat on her porch, staring at the ocean. The moon overhead was full and bright. The stars shimmered, and the ocean reflected their glow. The silver woman stared out at the water. Earlier she'd wathed as Taliesin, her little boy, had brought down his own meal. Soon, he wouldn't need her. Soon, no one would need her. It made her sigh. Every time she turned around, her children were growing up, growing older. She herself was growing older. She was almost six now. Was this what the humans called her mid-life crisis? Or was that what loving Lucifer had been?
She held the note from Lucifer in one hand, her grip on it tight. He was gone, and even though he'd went to find his father, she still felt betrayed. She crumpled the letter. Within moments, she smoothed it out again. They'd been working things out, she thought. They were so close to being right, being in love again. And he'd done this. She closed her eyes, imagining his deep blue eyes smiling at her as he had the night Noah and Talieisin were born.
She let it go. As she did, she let go of the paper. She didn't open her eyes again for a long time. When she did, the moon was overhead. It was midnight. She sighed again, standing up. She wanted to walk, to get away. She moved towards the water, staring out at the waves. A light sprinkle began to fall. She lifted her arms up and tilted her face back. Her back arched as she embraced the sky, her white blonde hair tumbling in soft waves down her back. Her eyes closed, she mentally threw herself to the wind, letting her spirit soar. As she stood, poised on the rocky shore, anyone watchng would see a wild spirit, something that couldn't be tamed. She was majestic and strong, free spirited and unbroken. And oh so very lonely.


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