a death in the family

In her mess of a mind, Rachias wasn't sure whether she should be happy or angry or any of the million other things that she was feeling. Of course she was happy to see him, to know that he was alive and breathing, but she still wondered why it took him so long to come back. Why hadn't he shown himself to her that day in the house? She was almost certain he had his reasons, however odd or off she might find them, and it was something that she might ask about at a later time. Arkham had always been the smart one, the logical one. At that very moment all she was worried about was knowing that he was alive and well, the alive part she had gotten, but she couldn't forget that he had seemed hurt when she had seen him last.

Rachias regarded her brother's words with a soft smile, waiting until the moment that he pulled her to him, which took her quite by surprise, before she spoke up. "It was worth it." She assured him quietly, snaking her arms around him, through whatever patches of fur that she could manage, to hold him in a tight hug. In those few moments she knew. No matter how heartbroken she had been, how long she had spent away searching for any sign of him, and how close to believing that he was dead and gone, it was all worth it to see him again. For a brief moment she curled her head up beneath his chin, only to rest there for a second before pulling away, lifting her eyes to his face and then to the patch of dirt that held their brother's body. "When did you find out?"


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