Wake up (why can't you?)
http://i36.tinypic.com/23tqi2r.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 448px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #20466A;">
      No problem! :3
Watch the skyscrapers as they melt away
      She had little to do and nowhere to go. This was what Tayui had been telling herself for weeks, ever since meeting Anu, ever since everything and nothing had happened. Days had passed, and she had wandered, like the vagabond she was becoming. But it was not as bad as before. She had found some interesting characters, the folk that were from a tribe called Aniwaya. That alone proved enough to hold her interest for some time, a welcome change from the ceaseless moving and wandering. She really only had herself to blame, for turning down Anu's invitation and taking so long to make a decision. But it felt good to be restless; wholesome and hearty. A delicious delicacy she had not had in years.

      Tonight, she had somewhere meandered away from the reserve, and, well, somewhere else. She did not recognize the area, but it felt distantly familiar. She was sure she would remember it later.

      Her footfalls were light and precise as she made her way deeper into the land, following the sound of trickling water. It eventually led her to a pond, shining eerily in the moonlight. Faint ripples stalked across its surface; it was silent with the exception of the rustling of another creature a few metres away. She approached the pond, sneaking a glance at the other creature. A wolf, most certainly male, the winds told her. She could also smell the scent of blood, and wondered if he had been out hunting that evening. One of the things she missed the most about pack life had been the hunts, the kills, the food and the celebration. She wondered if he had this.

      She remained silent for some time, not wanting to enquire about the male's hunt, for fear that he would take it the wrong way. A lone wolf asking about one's hunt? It certainly sounded suspicious to Tayui. Instead she just watched him for a few moments, and tilted her head in his direction when she thought to have seen him glance toward her. She smiled faintly, but could not tell if he could see her, or if he had even noticed her. Ah, well.


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