some things for the rain

Laruku did not really recognize the voice. Of course, he remembered little to nothing of the incident in the diseased shack, and whatever he did recall felt more like a dream than anything else. He never did realize that it had been DaVinci that had come to see him, and so a long time had passed since he last remembered seeing the angry, hybrid boy. He probably thought he was dead, like he assumed most people were dead -- it was easier than wondering or trying to summon up the energy to care or feel guilty or anything else. Yes, the blind man answered decidedly, half hoping the answer would end the conversation, but at least part of that answer was genuine. Death was mercy after all, wasn't it? He didn't know who was there, but he would be the first to assume that he wasn't completely happy with his life. No one was. Everyone secretly wanted to die. I would have.


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