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Garnet’s ears and tail drooped slightly as Firefly replied. The coyote had been hoping, praying, the other might just know something. Anything that could lead her to Asphyxia would have been fine, just so long as the daughter had a lead. The dark coyote sighed, realizing that Firefly probably didn’t want to give any information about Garnet’s mother. Asphyxia had been, more or less, the cause of the Inferni/Dahlia war and therefore the cause of the other female’s capture and imprisonment in Inferni.

Garnet really did care about her mother; after her dad had disappeared and then later her sister, Asphyxia had been all she had left. Her mother was very important to her, she wanted to keep her family close, especially as she was supposed to have extended family soon. The pups resulting from Asphyxia and Skoll’s romance would be Garnet’s half siblings, and she didn’t even mind if they were half wolf. Hell, why should she, especially seeing as the coyote was, herself, in love with a wolf. It was then that Garnet noticed Firefly replying, and not looking too happy. The black coyote flinched as the wolf spoke, a bit of worry flashed in her red eyes. ”I’m sorry-“ She whispered before she realized that Firefly might not want sympathy from a coyote. ”Well, I guess I did wonder a bit. Never sure why it was me…” Garnet looked off at the clouds, glancing at Firefly with one eye; an eyebrow was cocked at her.


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