back in time, but only in my mind - p jazper
Geneva nodded, accepting his apology. "Hey, I completely understand. This library has been something of a haven for me. I wasn't even aware that it had needed repair. You keep it up beautifully," she said with a genuine smile, considering the coal colored male. She meant what she'd said in complete sincerity. The library was amazing, extraordinarily beautiful. She had never seen library quite like this one, nor one with such an extensive collection of books before in her entire life.

Jazper was definitely intimidating, his size and demeanor aggressive until his face broke out into a smile. Geneva wasn't easily intimidated, being as small as she was her entire life, she had learned to get by on her own merits, often by staying out of sight. But she was definitely self conscious. She realized that the wolf had probably heard her fit of foolishness before entering the library. She felt blood gather in her face, although it would be impossible to tell she was blushing."Please call me Geneva. I hope you don't mind if I call you Jazper. It is nice to meet someone else who so obviously loves the written word."

Light lime green eyes slid from his face to the beautiful piano. She hadn't touched or gone near it, and was glad of it after Jazper spoke about it. It was obvious that he adored the instrument. "I'm not musically inclined," she wolfess said ruefully. "I've never heard the sound of piano makes before," she said softly, curious and half-way longing.

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