back in time, but only in my mind - p jazper
It warmed Geneva to hear the way Jazz talked about Haven. She imagined she sounded the same when she spoke of the pumpkin colored boy. The fondness in his voice was evident. He certainly was an extraordinary child, so full of spirit. She was glad there was such a support system Nani and Anu's puppies would grow up with all the love and guidance they could ever need.

Her mouth opened in a little 'o' as Jazper investigated her father's musical instrument. She mouthed the word "harmonica" silently, filing it away. When her father had played, it had certainly been harmonious. She took the harmonica the way he instructed and blew hesitantly into a small square. A much more pleasant sound emerged, although it was still somewhat shaky.
"I don't think I'm suited for music," she laughed.

She looked down at the shiny object. It brought back a rush of cloudy, happy memories. "You know, Jazper, if you don't have one yet...I want you to have it." She held it out to him. "I know it isn't the best specimen of a harmonica, but it does actually sound beautiful when you know how to play it. It needs to be played."

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