Stay away from Juliet

Ember was getting along a little better since she had met Bane; he'd given her a few helpful tips on how to keep her injuries clean and taken care of. It seemed that Ember was always getting hurt in one way or another, and she'd always healed just fine before...but these bites weren't healing as well as all the other injuries had before. It was like Hybrid was some sort of infection himself; even after he was physically gone he was still there, causing her pain.

But this she had asked for. Ember would never tell anyone, and she wasn't sure how much Tayui knew about what had occurred between Hybrid and herself, though. So as far as she knew, it was all between her and Hybrid. And who would believe him if he told anyone?

She sat down in one of the broken desks in the schoolhouse, looking at her morning's work. She'd been drawing on the chalkboard for hours, creating a big, white picture of a wolf in halfling form. That had always been Khaden's thing, his halfling form. For some reason, he had preferred it over the other two more common forms. Ember hadn't filled in the wolf with the chalk, so it was just as black as him too, the slate providing the necessary background color. She dusted off her hands then set to creating the scene around the wolf, a nice woodland setting.


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