Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax

As mature as she might have tried to seem, Rachias still had a bit of child left inside her, and as they moved up the steps and toward the door of the cottage, that childishness seemed to kick in. The words spoken seemed to be nothing more than a monotone blur of sounds and each movement made seemed like slow motion. She only regarded his words with a careful flick of her ear, eyes wide and heart suddenly thumping as the door was pushed open. The young woman didn't understand why she seemed so nervous suddenly, though the way things were made to sound, she just might be walking in to something horrible.

Upon entering she was greeted with a faint flash of color and before she could even focus her eyes on what it might be, the girl was there in front of her. Confusion gripped her for a moment but DaVinci's words cleared that up quickly and she smile and nodded at the girl, who seemed to calm and retreat from the entrance. Once the girl was back on the recliner Rachias stepped forward just a bit, moving inside just enough so that the door could be closed to keep the cold out.

It was from there that her eyes scanned the room, resting on the form of the woman who lay in front of the flickering flames. She wasn't sure what to say or do, even though she had thought about it for so long on her way to the lands. It was all just gone suddenly. The woman corrected her son, a sad sort of voice, and Rachias still said nothing. It was when her name was spoken and the woman turned toward her that all the nervousness fell quickly away. Rachias smiled a soft smile, just as she had done with her father, even though she knew he couldn't see it, and she stepped forward a bit more. "Hello.." The words came softly, and she cleared her throat a moment. "My father said I could find you here." And that was really all she had to offer.


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