the road you leave behind
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Ah, ho hum.

Allegro bounded up to the pack meeting, realizing she was late. She never was on time for anything; if it was a pack meeting important as this, or a simple trip to Raven Beacon. Allegro didn't know almost anyone, but she still sensed that everyone was worried and trouble. She rested quietly on the ground, away from the rest of the wolves, hoping that she wasn't noticed. Bad timing on her first pack meeting certainly wasn't going to help Allegro.

Allegro sat, inhaling the words Iskata has just said. She, being merely two years old, was a little confused. Still, she understood why everyone looked so somber and depressed. Allegro held her jaw tight, not making any noises. The breeze batted her matty fur lighty, and Allegro felt wholesome; not perfect, but almost like she was discovering her new life ahead of her. Lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it!) for her, her life has just begun.


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