Everything is going to be okay.

The land reeked of wolves, and normally at this point Adelaida would turn tail and retreat had come this far (it had taken her nearly all day to work up the courage and evening was approaching swiftly) the voices of Alexey and Sankor played through her head, urging her on. At times they were soothing, encouraging, her brother’s and sister’s unconditional confidence in their timid siblings, but at other times the imaginary voices turned mocking. They jeered that her life was pathetic, her beliefs and feelings sick and wrong, and that too drove her forward. Adelaida tried to be accepting, tried to get over her fears, open her heart to those around her, but she failed often. The only thing to do was to try again.

So many others had scorned her, but there was one female who despite her prejudices had not snapped back at her. Iskata, the shifting wolf with cattle. It was this pack that the female resided in, or rather presided over, and maybe Adelaida would find her today. Or maybe the lady was out and Adelaida would be left waiting on the borders. Still another scenario was that someone else would find her, and then who knew what would happen? Adelaida felt her heart rate accelerate, her stomach turn over on itself and in a whisper she soothed herself, as she imaged Sankor would if he were here. It’s okay… you’re fine… everything will be fine...


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