bound for flames

     Why? Ahren had never been able to answer that question. Wise men and philosophers had never been able to answer that question. The hybrid dying out in the forest had never been able to answer that either. The voice in his head offered nothing but silence; nothing except for the same thing it had told him when he had seen his son. A mouthful of whiskey silenced it, and he seconded the notion with a drag from the tobacco.
     Perhaps it was reason she was arguing, perhaps some sense of the truth of instinct and survival. It was a mutation that drove people to self-destruction. Something drove them—that was for damned sure. “I don’t know. My father destroyed himself. Something else went wrong in the brain, maybe. Something didn’t connect, or connected wrong.” He shrugged, and swallowed another mouthful. Perhaps, in some small way, he was destroying himself as well.


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