I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... ztable.gif);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

By now, you should've somehow realized what you gotta do! (OOC area.)

The night shaded male climbed slowly up the cellar stairs. The creaking was earie to hear but for how he didn't care. He pushed the door open with his back and continued into a large dinning room. Carefully, he lowered the dusty bottles of wine onto on of the many wooden tables. Looking around he nodded to himself pleased with his work.

The dinning room was perfect. It had taken a few searches to discover this room, a few halls away from the kitchen. It was plenty large enough for the pack and more to dine, with beautiful long dark oak tables, a bright pine floor, deep orange walls that contrasted the deep tinted tables. The male had even moved his grand piano from the library into one of the corners of this cozy room. A few large bay windows were accented white drapes. His large figure walked up to one of the mirrors to the outside and his smile grew. Early that afternoon he had been searching threw the basement for some decorations the humans used around this time of year only to find a strange fake tree, bows, bells, garland, and strange ordainments and nick-knacks. Upon finding a few dozen miniature lamp post he had placed them outside in the shape of a heart. Now, they were lit up magically as and snow was gently fallen to the already white covered ground.

Turning around and giving a small sniff the smell of his feast filled his nose. It had taken since the break of dawn to make such a wide range of foods. Walking along the tables he listed the foods allowed, "Turkey, roasted boar, moose and deer perfectly sliced, rabbit stew, smoked salmon, pheasant, mice skinned and roasted on a stick and cranberry sauce." Jazper had done some research threw human cook books for the deserts and grew found of two ideas. He had searched and searched for a couple of beehives and only found three in the territories with honey frozen. Breaking the honeycomb he wrapped separate strips around sticks and melted the honey back into a warm, sticky, viscous liquid and placed them on the silver serving plates that dressed the tables. Next, he had collected snow and ice and placed it in a large steel tin in the corner of the room and beside it was two bowls, one with mushed blueberrys and the other with cranberrys. By placing the snow in a bowl with the berry sauce he intended to have a desert that the humans called snow cones.

Finally, it was time. Quickly, he grabbed his freshly wrapped gift for Naniko. and placed it under the tree he had decorated the night before. Walking over to the door he flung a red scarf around his neck and mumbled, " Show time." He raised his large dark muzzle to the sky and a mighty howl echoed, momentary shaking the crystal shandilier in the center of the ceiling. The howl beckoned the pack to gather for a night of celebration.


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