I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas
*had been waiting for either Anu or Naniko to reply, dies* XD
Today, he decided, he was his mother's shadow. She would not or could not shake him for everything (unless she ran away, at which case he couldn't keep up). Always a few steps behind, he had tried very hard to be sneaky and quiet and had spent quite some time simply observing her and the things that she did. The way she acted, the way she went about her duties or whatever it was that she was doing. That he hadn't quite decided. She had watched the house off and on, so he did too. When she did something else, he would too.

And then there was something that grabbed all of their attentions without thought or consideration. A howl. His interest on his mother was lost completely in its sound duration, simply caught up in the sound, the meaning, the tone and the pitch and everything else that made it up. He even felt the subtle urges to try it himself but ultimately refrained, when the next sounds he heard were Naniko's paws scraping across the snow ice and and wood of the porch steps. She was getting away! Racing after her, Salem totally forgot about being all sneaky because he simply wanted to be close to her, and stumbled up the stairs in a disjointed manner.

Then the second thought dawned on him: they were going inside. That of course was probably the best thing they could ever do, because he didn't enjoy being out in that snow and cold as much as everyone else. And besides, the mansion smelled wonderful and was warm, though warmer than it usually was. There were smells here that he had never come across before, he noticed as he was no more two or three steps inside of the house. He trailed after Naniko as she went several steps ahead of him into the parlour and disappeared into the living room, and promptly crashed right into one of her back legs as he cut the corner into the room.

But he recovered easily, and slipped beneath her to look at the goods laid out.

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