baby, did you forget to take your [m]eds?
i am so out of it. :|

mall-caps;color:#660000;">He pulled out the dagger and marveled in the pain he could create.

Pain was beauty. Pain was pleasure. This creature didn't enjoy pain as he did, grabbing his wrist to stop the tearing of his flesh beneath Samael's claws. How sad. How fun. It'd make it so much more worthwhile when he made him bleed. To tear his flesh and feel the anger and misery radiate off his body. Coyote merely grinned in response, allowing him to move in closer, yet he wouldn't go down without a fight. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" he breathed, words coming out a dull hiss between bared fangs. "To rip me and tear me apart? Rape and fuck the little whore?" He laughed, amused. "Go ahead, make me bleed," Samael continued, suddenly lunging forward toward the other male with fangs bared, aiming to mark his throat and anything he could reach with his teeth; to taste the metallic blood on his tongue.

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