I'll Be Your Number One With A Bullet

OOC:Wrapin it up Smile


Life was a bitch sometimes. It's a truth and a painful one to face but it's right. Now it was Savina's time to deal with this ugly truth and the pack would back her up. There was a reason why she had attacked the coyote, he would have done the same. He had gone through this rough patch. He just drank his pains away and spent half his nights drunk after he visited his parents death grounds. Looking at Savina now he felt heartbroken for the women. She and Naniko did so much for the pack and he owed them everything. Jazper was just the type of wolf that would take any amount of physical attack for any member of the pack.

As she further explained that Pilot's evens had happened before he felt no different, as a matter of fact he felt more strongly! At the mention of Hybrid's name he let go of Savina, feeling the anger toss his guts around. Standing up he growled, "Hybrid..." How could he? Of course Hybrid would do this, no one else would have the gull to hurt Pilot knowing his connections. The coyote had gone to far! His temper flared and grew and as this happened all at once he felt his body shifting, turning more animalistic. It wasn't every day Jazper lost his temper but ever since he had become able to shift he had spent his life mostly in his humanistic werewolf form. Moreover, since his shifting days started his temper triggered him to move into his brute, beast like Luperici form. His muzzle shortened slightly, legs went from large and straight with feet into larger, lower and supported by back paws. Growls echoed inside his mouth almost drooling for Hybrid's blood. "What a fucking asshole!" He roared as he stomped to the door.

Looking to Savina he yelled, "That fucking ass-wipe deserved it! Don't you even think on it Savy." Soft creamy amber eyes now where sharp as lightning as he turn and opened the door, "If you ever fucking see him again tell him ol' Jazper's going to break his arms and legs, pop out an eye and then slit his body open so he can watch himself bleed to death slowly with the one eye he has left and then I'm going to feed him to the damn rabbits!!!" Storming out the door the black beast slammed it shut with a angry snarl leaving the broken female to her soup.


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