razorblade inside my soul

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

He had been found. The quiet sanctity had since been disrupted, and the scuffed earth was no longer his, only his. He glanced at Gabriel, nodded brusquely, then looked away. He knew if he tried to say anything, it would just come out in a snarl. He knew that if he looked at the other coyote (wolf, dog, something. Gabriel looked nothing like a coyote and they both knew it) he would explode or fly into a rage. And for no reason at all. For nothing, for everything that should be that was not. All because Hybrid was pitying himself (or something like that), because Hybrid was wavering, unable to decide what he felt.

He glanced back up at Gabriel and knew. He was pissed, fucking livid. "Fuck it," he snarled. He was right -- his words had been mutated, no longer words, but a growl with some sort of intonation. "Fuck me!" He shouted at the other canine, "fucking do it... fuck, do it, DO IT," he shouted, edging closer, words becoming more incomprehensible the more he shouted. DoitdoitdoitdoitdoitDOMEFUCKMEsomethingDOIT. He wouldn't grovel, but he could make his demands known, couldn't he? (Couldn't he?)


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