pretty noose is pretty hate

The snow fell lightly this afternoon, but the wind was harsher than it had been for the past week. The pale Sadira boy readjusted the blue striped scarf around his neck so that it covered his collar a bit more, where the chill hit him the worst. When it was windy like this, and he was tired, Kansas preferred to stay in one place, where he could hole up and stay warm and quiet (and, often, bored). But today he was energetic and happy. He didn't want to keep to himself.

Naniko and her puppies had been on his mind a lot lately. His relationship with his pack leader must have fallen to the bottom of her list of priorities. It was understandable; she was busy. But it still hurt to realize he was drifting from her, his best friend. Kansas leaned against a tall, dark tree and fixed the scarf so that it hung in two loose strands around his neck, glancing down at the the black earring he held in his palm. He'd been holding onto it for a few days; since he'd found it in Halifax. Again his thoughts drifted to Naniko. He wished to he happy. It seemed like something was always gnawing at him, and he wanted that to stop. Still fiddling with the earring, he looked up and watched the snow fall, attempting to concentrate on how pretty it looked. And nothing else.

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