Leave Out All the Rest (AW)
Simon was grateful that snow had stopped fluttering from the sky as he looked up at a light blue sky and felt the sun warm his face. Snow was all he had ever known in his short lifetime. He had been born during a chilly autumn and had never thought that the sky could be a bright, brilliant blue. It had rained or snowed every week of his life, which made the clear weather a rarity for him. He had never seen the sky so blue, although in reality it was very pale and not entirely glorious.

He cast a doleful glance at his big paws in the snow. It was turning to slush and melting, which made it harder to walk with his dumb big paws. He tripped over them enough anyway. The sandy colored puppy sighed and kicked some of the icy slush and mud around, before looking at his paws in dismay. He couldn't be around the princess or the queen with dirt all over him! Although the ladies he met seemed very down-to-earth and practical, it was common knowledge that girls didn't like to stay dirty.

Looking around frantically, he finally found a puddle that didn't have dirt in it. Instead there were frozen, dead spears of grass. He bound into it and started splashing his big paws in it, sloshing icy water around in his quest to be clean. His big brown eyes swept around as his head swiveled about. The last thing he wanted was to be caught by the queen after she had so graciously accepted him into her kingdom.

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