i tasted blood

AGAIN, sorry for the wait.

She was definitely taken aback; she’d already decided that. But she liked it. She was always in for a few surprises; they made life interesting, and this male and his antics were most certainly interesting. He gave her his reasons, and she stood still for a moment, before her ears flittered back in thought and her tail began to wave steadily behind her. She didn’t have to say anything. Nothing at all. Her gave the choice totally, and even said he would take the time to listen to her should she decide to tell him. She returned the smile he gave her, though she could tell it was forced. Whether or not there was real meaning to it, she didn’t know.

She didn’t know whether or not she should tell him. Even if it didn’t matter to him, his impression of her might be improved if he knew a few things about her. But it was a simple as she didn’t really feel like giving him information about herself, and didn’t want to waste either of their time ticking off what she was good at. Which wasn’t much. She could run quite fast, she could read and write, and was eager to help out with whatever needed an extra mind. She continued to smile subtly before speaking in her soft but firm way. No, if there’s no need, I don’t think I’d like to talk about myself. I will say that I do care, and if ever you need an extra hand, I’m hardly ever too busy. Yes, she spent a lot of time to herself, and getting involved was one thing she really wanted to work at.


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