gravity rides everything - p leland
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Settling in AniWaya hadn't changed Lannen's routine much. He looked like a fool, but he didn't care much. In his luperci form, he sat cross legged with his hands resting easily on his thighs. He breathed in deeply before exhaling, his breathing becoming rhythmic as he meditated. His eyes were partially open but unfocused. He pushed thoughts from his mind, letting his mind become like a sieve.

Surprisingly, he hadn't had felt the need to practice his mental exercises lately. His mind had been calm instead of churning. He never felt that burning ache in his muscles. But still he drew crisp air into his lungs in the cold morning light. It was better to stay in the habit than to let his hard won control deteriorate.

He let the sound of birdsong fill his mind, let the tension (what little of it there was, he led a relatively quiet life at the moment) melt from his muscles. He dropped one shoulder, than the other. Flexing his fingers, he let his hands rest open palmed toward the sky. After several moments he rose fluidly, ready to face another day.


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