as the crow flies

With the bucket held carefully in one hand, Rachias used the other to grab the knob of the door and force her way back into the apartment, away from the blistering wind and the biting cold. Her immediate reaction upon entering was to take a deep breath, the air was warmer inside and her mouth and throat were dry and cold, it was unfortunate that the warmth in the air didn't seem to help things though. Setting the bucket aside, Rachias removed the now the moist blanket from her head and half of her body, she'd used it to shield herself from the wind and falling snow, at least long enough to go out and get a bit of water. Hanging it from a random piece of furniture to dry, she then lifted the bucket once more and made a quick line for the fire.

"It was better than going out tonight when it's colder." She explained to him quietly, setting the bucket of water down next to the fire so that the ice, which had formed at the top of the water as she carried it back, could be removed and it could get to a proper drinking temperature. The young woman immediately made her way to the couch, curling up next to her brother but turning away from him only long enough to grab a thin blanket to pull over herself. The woman turned to him then, smiling a careful smile as she moved her legs, sticking her icy feet underneath his blanket with the intentions of pressing them up against him. Brothers could be useful for stealing heat from.


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