Try Her on for size
The golden bronze bitch snarled as the healer woman moved towards her. Those emerald orbs narrowed as she spat, bits of blood speckling her paws as she threatened the woman. "Tend to her first!" but it was too late, the shaman had already stuck her with the needle. If Firefly was feeling up to par she would have taking a good snap at the dark hued woman's flesh when she moved by but instead she just grunted and kicked her hindleg out of the lady's hands as the needle was removed.

Firefly didn't offer the woman any thanks as she flicked her orbs back to the form of Svara as Hanna moved into do her duties and work that had once been her ranking in the pack, now just her calling. Firefly knew that the healing arts were a wise thing to have, a knowledge worth absorbing but at this moment she could care less to add the skills to her talents. She closed her eyes for a moment as she waited, breathing slowly to keep the pain that was slowly easing away at bay.

When she openned them again right before her nose it seemed that Svara was. The soft words from the pup made Firefly have trouble swollowing as she felt the cool touch of the young girl's nose against her own.. within moments the girl was snoring and Firefly was left blinking as she tried to figur out what to say or do. She honestly knew she didn't have to say or do anything, the girl was out like a light and won't be hearing the words she spoke. Instead Firefly lifted her muzzle and pressed her nose softly above the girls' eyes as she sighed. She didn't know why she'd gone after the bear, actually she did, but she wasn't going to admit to the world that she actually liked the bad mouthed young woman, that just wasn't her thing.

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