Afraid of What I'll Find

Words: 600+

Her slender fingers curled into fists as the youth exploded, slavering with indignant cries, fangs flashing in the winter white. Coli stood firm, her cold eyes bearing down on Svara, unwilling to back down. Someone who could defend Haku's "honor", as openly and wholeheartedly as the yellow-eyed girl, was someone who clearly had not seen every side of him. Coli did not like to hurt people, physically or mentally, but she did consider slapping the vulgar little beast in the face, to shut that snapping mouth up. Svara had no idea what she was talking about. If they had admitted such an impulsive little child join their pack - as she had no scent of parents or siblings about her, save Firefly and Haku himself - surely they could not turn away a level-headed adult such as herself, despite their varying viewpoints...?

Deciding the best response would be to ignore her, Coli coolly met Firefly's glittering emerald eyes, dark with purpose. This time she shrank back from the seething response, her own hackles rising in self-defense. You won't get far in these lands if there's no loyalty to the man. She spoke the truth. "I have no desire to garner rank or achieve some position of power. Advancing myself has never been a concern of mine. And as I understand it, Cercelee is the leader, not Haku. Even if he is her right-hand man, my loyalty lies with the Rosea. That is why I'm here." It was odd to her, to think of Cer as an alphess. After all, they were the same age (almost exactly so), and had the same experience leading (that is to say, none). She would have a lot of questions to answer, when Coli found her. She swallowed, face unreadable as the golden-furred lady continued, her fiery pride elevating her to beauty in Coli's eyes. Confidence was a virtue. Someday she'd regain her own.

Was she really ready for pack life? Firefly was correct in her irrefutable logic... Would Coli lay down her life for the father she had come to hate so much, so that he could continue his immature games and toy with the lives of countless others...? Her lip curled with the thought of it, disgust marring her delicate features. "But... by that logic... You two would be swearing to defend me to the death, no matter how you feel. Do you have so much faith in your Lilium to assume he won't attack me on sight, and you'll be forced to hang him as the traitor he is...?" She spoke softly, earnestly. If he was so well-respected, had he actually earned it? Or was he just pretending, as he was wont to do, smiling falsely behind those trusting blue eyes... She used to love him, too.

And was when she arrived... an adult now, shifted, radiating power and fury from her elegant snowy form. Coli wouldn't have recognized her, save for those brilliant navy-blue eyes... It was Cercelee, come to rescue her from the bullies.

Shrinking back shyly, Coli watched in admiration as her friend fiercely admonished what could now only be described as her "underlings". She was confident as she was wrathful; an incredible transformation. Feeling ashamed of the coward she had become, before the eyes of such a woman, Coli let her hands clasp together before her, almost as though she were pleading to be admitted, her long silky hair falling before her eyes. Hesitantly, Cer spoke her name... Is it really you in there? Unable to keep the smile of relief from her muzzle, the werewolf met her gaze, whispering, "Yes... I came back, Cer. It's me... Sorry it took me so long to find you."


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