Ouch, I have lost myself
Sounds good to me! And I started our Willow thread in DdM. Big Grin

His words flowed over her like warm honey, soft and reassuring. Willow would be safe. Though she'd never feared for Willow here, it was good to know she wouldn't be the only grown adult watching over the child. She moved forward the last inches, offering the male a gentle nuzzle, then moved away, letting him know she wasn't going to intrude on his life, on his relationship. Although once upon a time he hadn't cared she'd had a mate, this was a different era, a different world. Things were different now.

She glanced to her herbs, and decided to take the valuable, the irreplacable. The rest she'd come back for later. She allowed her body to shift, taking on the two legged form of the Luperci, and began gathering the herbs she would not leave behind. She then got the children ready, and tucked Willow into the specially modified carrier. The family was ready to follow the male into thier new lives.

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