information is not knowledge
Just a note, Bart does not speak any English at all. I'm just too lazy to type this out in French. xD But his Northern accent would be noticeable in French regardless! :3

Barthélémy paused, and was about to add something else when Allegro spoke. He flattened his ears and curled his tail in, shaking slightly. He didn't want to go back there again, but he knew he had to. And Allegro seemed nice -- very nice! -- so she would be able to help. She could be strong! Barthélémy was not strong. Not at all. She looked strong. Strong and nice. He looked nice luperci.

"Uhmm, lots of luperci hurted. Hurted, ouch, ouch! Ouchie! Bleeding, lying down, not moving, dead? Very dead, dead, dead, dead. Maybe you know? You go lots of places, many, lots, you from Nova Scotia, but you wander South? It South, in a lighthouse, big steps up to it, you go in, smells bad, smells very bad, met a mean coyote who scared me, very mean! And saw another coyote, smelled like Eefernee -- how you say? Eenfearnee? Efferni? Smelled like that! Wandering around, red eyes, scary! Did not like at all! But maybe you know who got hurted? Here, I show! Follow Barthélémy, okay? Barthélémy is afraid, but Allegro Aston will not be afraid, okay? Can help!" Barthélémy nodded to Allegro, then to himself. He beckoned for her to follow him, then set off in the direction of the lighthouse. He moved quickly, not wanting to waste any time walking. Not when they could run.


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