A Fresh Start
Shadow had been walking for days, though it felt longer than that, and she hadn't eaten for the same amount of time. She needed to eat; Shadow raised her head and scented the air, she smelled deer a short way away but decided to try for something smaller, she'd be less likely to get herself killed that way. A rabbit, now that was more like it. Shadow stalked forward following the scent trail until she found the grazing rabbit, but just as she was preparing to punce a wind picked up, sending her scent to the rabbit. The rabbit bolted and Shadow gave chase, but with a snarl of anger and frustration, she gave up. The rabbit had head start and it probobaly had a den nearby, until now Shadow hadn't realized how hopelessly dependant she had been on her pack. There was no going back now, though, there was nothing to go back to. Her pack had torn itself apart with greed, a group of young upstarts had banded together and killed the alpha pair while most of the pack was hunting. When the pack returned a blood bath began, whether seeking vengance or higher position in the new pack, every member of the pack fought. Shadow had fought for vengance, though it hardly seemed to matter now, when the dust had settled only three pack members, Shadow included, were left alive without crippling wounds. With no pack left and no way to trust each other, they had gone their seperate ways. A tattered left ear and a scar above her left eye were all that remained of that day. She would seek a new pack some day, she couldn't imagine herself alone for the rest of her days, but she would wait until the loss of her pack was less sharp and she proved to herself that she could live on her own. With a sigh of resignation she moved on.

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