I suggest a waltz.
lezbn She had been anticipating a visit from Fatin for some time, and it looked like the time had come. The two had managed to establish what they were some time ago and had defined their duties to the pack and to one another. Since becoming the two Alpha's of the pack, they had grown to become friends and rulers, and for this, Tayui was glad. She was thankful that that she felt so awkward around the other, and that they had found a comfortable routine they both adhered to. She tended to see Fatin every day in passing, and discussed matters with her every few days. There was always something new that needed their attention, although, sometimes it was just a friendly visit.
lezbn Tayui greeted Fatin with a wide smile when she heard the other poke her head into her den. She could see the outline of the other's body in the flickering light of the fire and stood up quickly to vocalize her greeting. "Come on in, Fatin. I'll just clean this up," she replied, picking up one of the papers she had been reading in her mouth and setting it on a shelf. She cleared away some space in the back of her den, making space for the other. Her den was not cramped, but she did have a tendency to use up all the room when she was working on something. Today she had been reading, and it seemed as though she had strewn all the papers everywhere.


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