tearing off the mask of man

Out of Character


In Character

His eyes were captivating. Those blue pools swirled with so many mysteries. Kol's violet gaze held the oceanic stare of her Lilium, shrouded and guarded though they may be. They seemed to be searching for something, looking through to the Circee's very soul for some unknown answer. Feeling oddly calm when she felt those eyes should be sending chills of fear down her spine, she masked nothing and let him search. The male had always intrigued the Stormbringer, and with this night's conversation, he'd somehow managed to turn her into an open book in his eyes. She'd hide nothing from the chocolate male.

Kol tilted her head as Haku spoke once more, narrowing her amethyst eyes as she rolled his statement over in her mind. She doubted anyone else in Dahlia de Mai knew what he was telling her at that very moment. If they did, she'd be highly surprised, given that Haku was indeed still second-in-command of the pack. It was highly unlikely that would remain to be should anyone else get wind of what he was saying. "That's...disturbing, to say the very least. But I'm assuming nothing's ever happened inside the borders, or someone would have found out and I doubt you'd still be hanging around. I think what makes me the most uneasy about that is losing control of your own body. It's one thing to knowingly wreak havoc and make a conscious decision, it's a completely different thing to be a puppet."

The girl's gaze never wavered as she spoke. Her first concern was whether anyone else knew about what was going on with Haku's blackouts. She had faith that his unconscious will was strong enough to avoid ever hurting a member of their own pack, but she doubted some other members shared her opinion. She'd seen the way their eyes lingered on him when they believed no one would notice, seen the doubt and caution in their stares when they settled on the Lilium. If no one had uncovered his secret yet, perhaps they never would. But every blackout was a risk of discovery for the male, and Kol felt it was her duty to help him in any way possible. "Haku...who else knows about this? You know what would happen if the rest of Dahlia found out. Does anyone outside of the pack know as well? Anyone who might have seen anything?" Her tone was deadly serious now. the Lilium's actions could well put both himself and the rest of the pack in danger, should a vengeful soul raise the alarm and desire justice for any wrongs done.

Table by Fishie!


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