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For most of her young life it had been her mother that cared for her. They were mainly all she knew, but now that she had ventured into the manor more and for longer stays, even over night, the rest of the pack was starting to become her family. A fondness grew in her heart for the Italian boy, even if he spoke funny words at times. His sister was very much an aunt to her, and as she started to look to him more as an artistic mentor he was growing strongly as an uncle.

She couldn’t believe that he had never been passed the cellar door. Mati had always assumed that there was some grand secret hidden there, only knowable when passed a certain age. But, it seemed that Ehno was being kept out of the loop as well. ”Yeah, maybe we can make a Haven too.” she spoke excitedly.Mati thought of her brother in a miniature form, with the smallest white ear on an orange base. It had never really been much of a reason to eagerly await the ability to shift, but now there was something to look forward to.

”You wanna see what’s down there?” her tail began to crack against the floor, just thinking about the different things that might be waiting for them. It wouldn't be breaking the rules if he went with her, and if there were anything frightening Mati would have a protector.


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