I can't force these eyes to see the end

She was just getting used to the feeling of moving, of his feet taking step after step through the snow. The stuff was really starting to build up now. She didn't know what to think about somebody carrying her--she was too relieved at the fact that she was comfortable and getting a little warmer to care. Her mother would come in a couple of days, maybe, once she realized that Addi was gone. She always came after her.

She felt a slight jolt when his feet hit something more solid, the porch, and she poked her head out of the sling so that she might see what had changed. What sort of a thing were they going into? It looked kind of scary to her at first. But this wolf didn't look like he was scared...from what she could see. From her position she could only see the underside of his muzzle, not his eyes or his expression. But he was going inside, so it probably wasn't a bad place. She had never seen a building before.

As soon as the heat really started to sink in the pain did as well. She began to whine softly as blood flowed into her little toes first, then her tail, paws, and legs. She had never felt a pain like this before, pins and needles, and she trembled where she lay on the chair. "Wassit? Paws huuuurt" She curled up a bit so that she could reach the back ones, giving them little licks. Tiny pieces of skin were coming off, small spots of blood appearing on her peach pawpads. The paws tasted real bad, but the licking seemed to help. "Bleeds" Her nose pointed to Jefferson, blue and yellow eyes blinking quickly. The fire was very bright, and little spots of light clouded her vision for a few moments as she looked away from it and toward the other. "Izzz Addi. Addi paw bleeds"


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