ain't no friends of mine
wot. hybrid's new avatar is having a very bad influence. since hybrid is not a funny guy ok. also, giggle needs to find a new best friend that is not a stick. :|

Hybrid flattened his ears at the male's reply, feeling a low growl work its way up, from the pit of his diaphragm and slowly clawing its way up his throat. He could feel his anger, coiled so closely, ready to move; still dizzy from the alcohol and whatever else he had digested. He was fairly certain he had drunk some sort of expired dairy product, which would explain the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Or maybe that was just the alcohol; he couldn't be sure.

The coyote repeated himself, leaving Hybrid to wonder if he was stupid or just... stupid. Hybrid stepped closer, feeling his upper lip twitch as if to bare his fangs. Hybrid paused at the utterance of a certain word, smirking slightly. All he was hearing was no and fuck. Now, if there was a me strategically placed in there, they would have something. Don'do that, came the creature's final reply, most certainly not the reply Hybrid was looking for. Hybrid snarled and began to step toward the coyote, moving quickly, fangs bared and clawed hands outstretched. He was aiming to tackle the other coyote to the ground, but at the last second, he tripped over a tree root and lost his balance.

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