the note from which a chord is built

While her real, blood family was small they meant the world to her. That was one of the reasons she held onto Ehno so tightly. Their mother was gone and the gods knew where Ghita was. When it came to the Marino family it was just the two of them in these foreign lands. Well, that would soon change. The name of their mother and themselves would live on, even if it didn't back in Italy. "Li voglio sapere dell'Italia. Li voglio capire questo lato della loro famiglia, e la voglio mi aiutare con ciò." Savina wanted them to understand the language that was native to her. To tell them the stories she always loved of the Roman empire. For them to understand the importance of the sea. The surname Marino had certainly earned its meaning by the way that the two of them had arrived here.

Under her midnight fur she could feel herself blush at his words. While her fears about being a good mother were minimal, it felt so good to hear him say that. He knew how wonderful Amata had been just as much as she did. To hear that her sibling thought that she could maybe live up to their mother's great example filled her with joy. "Ringraziarla Ehno, ciò significa molto a me" Her head turned down to her stomach. It wasn't visible yet, but she doubted it would take much time before it was. One paw rubbed against it gently. "Se c'è una ragazza che voglio nominare un dopo la mamma." Looking back into his happy amber eyes she wondered how he would feel about that idea.


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