WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

After leaving Cwmfen in the woods Svara had taken Leroy's hand in her own and lead him towards the cabin. She wanted to finish what they started in her bed in her room in the cabin. She was sure Haku and firefly would be out doing other things, or caring for the pups. Looking at the male beside her she kept that grin on her face. Some time into walking towards the cabin she had stopped just pulling his hand bit curled her fingers inbetween his and grasped it. Svara didn't even notice her possesive and gentle action.

"Firecraker ehh?" She looked at him to her side. She liked the nickname. Cwmfen had really pissed her off. So because she was in a puppy rank every one treated her like an idiot. Letting go of his hand she let it move to his ass, suggestivly setting it there. She only knew this male for a few moments, but she liked him already. Then again Svara either hated you at the first minute or loved you. It was just rare for her to love some one. With her hand on his ass she made sure to press close as they walked.

"Your not going anywhere before I can have you." Svara said Nipping his arm as she walked. He was intoxicating she had to say. The cabin hadn't been far so when they reached it she went to the kitchen door and opened it. Her hand went back to his pulling him along to follow. She lead him through the cabin straight towards her room, not seeing anyone on the way. Pulling him into her room Svara pushed him onto her bed and got on top of him. "Now, heres your chance Kujo. Show me what your made of."She said with a grin and shinning yellow eyes.


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