WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

She was angry and hurt. He acted as if she had knew, as if she had wanted all this to happen! She held back a snarl. His final insult scored her heart in a way it couldn't be taken back. "You think I knew that you had sent him away? And don't act like you even care about your sons you have enough of the rugrats running around that you could make your own orphanage! You say I'm a disgrace, but you can't seemed to stop SCREWING UP!" She roared at him. All his pushing had put her back into the wall forcfully, but not enough to make her placid. She was pissed, he was saying the wrong things to the wrong person.

"The only thing I fear is encountering idiots like you." She said low a threatening. Moving passed him she went to the bed and under the mattress she with drew the book "Call of the Wild" and a cooking book she had gotten from Hanna's cabin. The two books and the dagger that had been kicked were all she had. Retriving the weapon she set it on top of her books. Yellow eyes glared at him as she made her way to the door. "I hope you know what it feels like to be alone. So alone your soul shudders and you would take anyone for company." Her growled words had a meaning behind them, one that nobody seemed to notice. Turning with her things in her arms she left the bedroom and went for the door out of the cabin.


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