just a stone in the path
millstone village

Zana was bad, she's snuck out of the clan lands to see what else was outside her little world. It wasn't because she was unhappy with her home but because she had a natural curiousity to fulfil and she had a plan to win the war with the pestersome birds along the shore. Her little legs had trotted her small frame across the snowy woods and to a strange place indeed. She'd never really seen such old buildings, true in both places she'd lived there had been some sort of human home here and there but she hadn't ever seen a whole village before and her normally large eyes were even wider than thought possible. She shook her head in amazement as she walked around the building and peered into the cold empty cavelike structures. She was at a lose for words over what she had found, but they were alllll hers for the moment.

She pranced across the dazzling white surface as her ribbons rippled behind her in the winds, her eyes shining with the dawning that she owned this silent world. She stopped suddenly and stared at some strange stone structure sitting in her way. Her large ears pricked up as she moved closer and closer, finally pulling herself up to the stone well and sniffing about it's edge. She'd never seen an open well before but she was curious as to what in this world she'd discovered. Placing her little paws up on the stone rim she peered down into the hole in the ground and called out. "Helloo?"

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