I want to fit into some shoes

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/vazzi/bottom.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Attila had been waiting for this moment. Her brown and tan sister appeared from the den, after circling in his footprints on the snow, and he felt dump of letting those there. It was a sign that he was there, in the top of the den, the pale boy already knew that, after tracking Claudius for so long. But she was ignorant of this, and that made the Aston boy smile get wider.

The clumsy girl found and reached for the abandoned toy, glancing around. 'God, it is just so easy!, he thought, getting thrilled that it was being way too easy. His hesitation left as he crouched on the ground as much as he could, and sprang from there, landing right behind the tan girl, his front paws tapping her hips from behind, his moved urning into a round "o".

"BOO!!" he shouted from the top of his lungs, the eco sounding twice until it dissapeared. His tail waged side by side in the speed of light, his tongue out of his mouth, which was in a playfull, excited smile.


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