Joining a pack
Rath couldn't help but allow his bushy brown tail to wag a few times in a combination of relief and excitement. He listened carefully to everything the black and white male said to him. "Human towns? Really? I'll have to go check look around and see if I can find a place to set up shop." His somewhat low pitched, tenor-like voice held a tone of eagerness that could have likened him to a pup who had just been told he could go out on a little exploratory adventure. Turning once again to Slay, he smiled and gave a small, thankful bow, "Thank you very much, Slay. I promise I'll do my absolute best to help the pack in any way I can." He turned to pad off into the packlands of Dahlia de Mai only to stop and look back over his shoulder with an embarrassed grin on his face, his pointed ears falling back in a sheepish manner. "I just remember...I don't know where I'm going. Any chance you would be willing to show me where the town is?" He hated to admit it, but his natural sense of direction was quite out of practice and he had the unfortunate tendency to get lost. It would definitely take him time to get used to being part of a pack. Hopefully his social ignorance wouldn't get him into too much trouble.

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