Truth Be told

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!! out of character.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Fred just watched him with azure eyes her heart pounding in her chest. She always wondered what it would be like when she thought she had found a mate, but she hadn't seen it like this. Maybe it was just childish dreams to want perfection, maybe she had screwed it up herself. Lysanders words seemed to be lacking in them what she was looking for. Diverting her blue orbs a tense breath escaped her. "M-maybe I don't want to say them." The strawberry blonde female said in a hurry moving away from him and to the door of his cabin.

Looking back at him the girl couldn't help but hate herself for the emotions to a man who only wanted to play games. A sneer pulled across her face as she looked away. "Lysander, give them back or I'll be forced to do what you won't." Fred said reffering to the pups. He hadn't done anything wrong in actuality, but Whinifred had saw what this all was to him. She had known, but now she saw her own desprate attempts and trying to ignore it. "I hope you like the pelt." The blonde girl said before turning and pulling the door open and walking outside.


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