People are strange

Alexey seemed to put her full attention into the explanation given by Mew, and when she responded with a quite smart grin on her face Mew couldn't help but smile too. In fact, the piano sounded very different from the guitar, but there were similarities. However a piano didn't have that same ring that the guitar did, mostly because of the design, but also the mechanics. Mew hastily replied to Alexey's words with something in between as to not let on that she was in fact quite wrong. Well yeah, they're both string instruments, but also the sounds vary - it depends on size and stuff, too! There was not a word of lie in what she said, and this was important to Mew - she would not lie, maybe except to Firefly. That woman didn't deserve better anyways, the way she treated her fellow pack members. Mostly though, the difference is that inside the piano there's a hammer that strikes the string once you press the key, but on the guitar the string is plucked. There's a sound difference, but I can't explain them with words, of course. Mew offered the book completely to Alexey, intending to perhaps pick up the other books she'd flung around - as her irritation was now gone having gotten the chance to speak with someone who seemed to show interest for her passion.

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