Se kem som nå går i di gata

Of course not. Haku was not only here for the coyote's name. He was here to most likely get rejected and turned away. Everything would be fairly easy if Gabriel let go of the member and handed him to the two Dahlia wolves, but the Lilium highly doubted it would come to that. If Gabriel had come to Dahlia borders demanding something similar, Haku would have almost certainly refused, no matter the crime had been committed. Well, it depended if Cercelee would be there or not. Righteous Cercelee on her high horse. Brilliantly blue eyes took in the amber ones of the hybrid. "Of course not. Inferni and Dahlia had a truce, and it has been violated by one of your members." The chocolate man paused a moment before he continued. "I want his name, and I want him. I want you to hand him over to us so that justice can be served so that the truce will still stand." The male perked his ears backwards, awaiting a reply. Kol was quiet beside him, but she was far from useless, even though she had no big part to play in this matter. It was good with a sentry, a securance, present.


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