You've got nothing to prove, stay afraid
Aww, poor Heath's ego. Hybrid will kiss it and make it better!!!

The boy moved. Hybrid grinned. No. He was already grinning. But now it was real. Fuck, he had been doing a lot of this grinning thing. But now it was real. Now it was real. Now it felt like it meant something. Now that the child was close enough to see him. Hybrid wondered if the boy had bad eyesight. Maybe he did. Hybrid didn't know.

His grin widened. He could feel the boy's breath on him now. He licked his chops, refusing to break eye contact. Somewhere along the way, he had started staring at the boy's murky eyes. He hadn't stopped. Not even when the boy spoke. Hybrid felt something rip through his chest, an emotion of some sort. He resisted the temptation to wiggle his toes in excitement. Something was happening. Fuck, something was happening. Something was happening and Hybrid didn't know what to do. He could lunge at the boy and see what happened. Two things could happen. One would be more preferable than another, but Hybrid couldn't identify which one. Maybe he didn't need to. Maybe he just needed to need.

"Sorry," Hybrid replied, the meaning of the word lost as soon as he uttered it. He wasn't sorry for anything. "But I don't bottom."

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