Sirens In the Deep Sea
The small girl didn't exactly understand what had happened to the other puppy before her but she had just realized that the other was injured, the scent of blood teasing her nose as she moved back away from the girl. She had no idea what to do to help but now she was slightly confused as to what happened. She whined softly as she asked. "What happened?" She was beginning to think she already knew what happened but she didn't want to go assuming that the wolf had done this. Wolves were bad she knew, but they didn't just go attacking puppies, did they. She surely hoped not.

When the girl gave her a name she smiled slightly, still worried as she watched the other examining her wounds and answered Zana she began to relax a little. If the other girl could move and talk she didn't seem to be hurt too bad. What did Zana know though, she'd never been attacked by another wolf, except that crazy one, but he was from Dahlia de Mai and they were all bad, or atleast, they didn't seem to like her clan any. She flicked her eyes back to the other as she was asked once more who she was. Zana smiled shyly and answered. "I'm Zana Lykoi.." She was rather proud of the large family she belonged to and she didn't care what others thought, though so far no one had given her reason to care.

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