listen don't panic
For Lin. This is backdated to March 26.
     If it had been anyone else, Gabriel would have been content to let the incident die. He was not this lucky. Corona had even found him inside the lands, though she had given him only vague details. It could not go on. The Aquila was thoroughly fed up with dealing with a love-sick orphan. Concern for his sister was one thing, but there was a protocol for dealing with Inferni. Breaking this was unforgivable. Breaking this and then pushing the limits of the coyote’s patience was another.
     By the time Gabriel made it to the borders of Phoenix Valley, the subsided rage had begun to ferment. It had been two days, but he could still taste blood. While it had been raining during the trek here, this had stopped around half an hour ago. The world smelled like earth and water, but the borders were as prominent as ever and Gabriel halted at these. As early as it was, it was apparent that at least one person had crossed this section of the land in a patrol (he assumed this, at least). Remaining standing, the hybrid let out a wolfish call, not simply asking, but demanding.


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