listen don't panic
Playing as we discussed, with Jefferson hitting Gabe's bad shoulder. You can either reply or close this. And I'm not sure if this would be a draw or loss for Gabe, lol. XD

     The Aquila landed his mark, and his jaws locked down. Though he did not intend to break the arm, if he could, then things would be over. He tasted blood and his ears went flat against his head, fur between his shoulders up and on end. It was a position that left him open though—all too suddenly a powerful kick struck the hybrid in his shoulder. Twisted, scarred muscle caught fire, and the pain was so intense that Gabriel’s jaws unlocked and he scrambled away from the Patriarch, putting no weight on his forearm.
     He got out of range, one leg in the air, head low, panting heavily, mouth red with blood. Baring his teeth in a vicious display, he then turned and began to make his way away from the wolf. It was a slow process as he was unable to put any weight on his foreleg, but Gabriel refused to leave himself open for attack while taking the time to turn to his Optime form.


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