Lets Try this again

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There were somethings she had thought about while in her dark prision. One, most of her pack couldn't stand her, duh. Two, if she didn't get in some peoples good graces she wouldn't go anywhere. Finally the last, Svara was tired of being seen as an idiot child because of her temper. Grumbling under her breath she sat changed for once a long stick in her hand. She'd found use for it so far. Although her ears and nose were good for spotting things that moved, the stick in her hand was good for detecting things she couldn't see nor smell or hear.

So today she started her new approach on things. Although she had no intention of being a happy creature, Svara did know how to show respect when she wanted to, even though it grated on her nerves. Her plan was to ask Cwmfen to help her adapt. It really pissed the red she wolf off that she had to "ASK" for anything, but she was sure the women could teach her how to become efficiant like this. Svara knew she was lucky to still have one eye that worked and seemed to get better every day. It would never work like it did, but it was better then nothing. The red cloth was still wrapped around her eyes, her long mane tied up in a high pony tail to keep it out of the salve under the red wrap. Leaning against a tree she dropped the stick and crossed her arms over her chest.


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