
Her sarcasm went over his head, and he nodded agreeing as she stated she should indeed watch her tongue. More and more women were forgetting just who was the superior sex, they were starting to think that they had the same skills, strengths and intelligence as men. Well, they had another thing coming when the realized the true realities of life. Her next questions did anger him however. Who was she to question what kind of male he was? Not only could he give her two black eyes, he could fuck her until she tore in two, he was sure of it. The very best kind of male there was. “I’m a fur better man than ya’ll ev…”

A surge of sickness swept him, interrupting his retort. All at once the toxic liquid came up from his stomach and flooded into his mouth. The taste was horrendous. There was no other choice, his lips parted and the vomit, comprised mostly of beer and stomach fluids, flowed. It splattered on the sand, leaping back into the air randomly with the impact of hitting the ground. Little flecks landed on his feet, and probably on the feet of the female as well. The smell was vile and the purge hadn’t even cleared his head any. He was as drunk as ever. Looking dumbly at the pile of puke, he looked back up to the lady. He smiled.


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