come on in, the water's fine

The sun shown down on the two, and she followed the others lead dipping her own toes into the lakes water. Light blue eyes caught the bleeding colors that filtered into the sky. The sun began to sink before them, giving them the last bits of warmth it had to offer. The lake’s surface held some of the heat given after the long afternoon, a pleasant feeling to coincide with the warmth settling in her stomach.

Coli spoke, and Anu cocked her head giving both ears to listen. Sipping lazily she took in the words, understanding everything that she said and feeling very much in the same boat. Yeah, just needed a break I think. I live in Crimson Dreams, the Brigadier General there. Anu confessed. Not like her rank would mean much to the stranger, just the wound of it made her wonder how much she actually deserved it.

Unsure how to explain all the things that she fled from she hesitated for a moment before asking, Who are you trying to impress? The question didn’t mean to be judgmental, but Anu saw no reason for the pretty looking female to fret over what others thought.


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