I came here before, I think. -j-

Flayra seemed to have walked forever. She can't remember if Crimson Dreams was this far away. Could be because that she wasn't really concentrating last time. Her mind wondered off, but when it came back, she found hersel wondering on land that didn't have familiarality. However, this time, she was concentrating, mind open, and focusing. She knew where her next destination was. Crimson Dreams. She left Dahlia de Mai for her new home. She was still greatful that the group treated her like family and that they gave her a home and the Slayer offered her old hom if things don't go well in Crimson Dreams. The girl didn't think that there was a reason for something to go on in the new pack that would make her leave. Well, she hopes things go well.

Flayra came well into the Crimson Dreams border. She could smell it. She wasn't expecting a big welcome party put together by Naniko when the girl would eventually come. She was hoping to see Naniko, if she would come by. Flayra was still wondering to wait at the border and wait for someone to come or go straight to Naniko's mansion. She didn't want to intrude, so she remained on the border. She just waited for someone to come by. She couldn't wait to see Naniko. She didn't want to leave Cercelee and the other pack members out of her memories. Not yet.


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