what have you got to lose
The tiny girl looked nothing like any other pup her age, something within her medical layup hadn't formed right and her frame never really seemed to grow like normal. She grew, but mostly just to thin out her puppy frame into a slimmer more adult looking body and a change in her voice tone. She sat back and stared up at the taller woman as she realized that the lady seemed to be afraid of her. She was baffled by this strange switch in her normal roles. She was nothing to be afraid of or even nervous around but the lady seemed to lost and scared when she finally spoke. Zana was really beginning to wonder about wolves.

"What you doing here then if you ain't doing nothing?" she asked as she titled her head to the side, studying the other woman. She smiled slightly as the question was echoed back to her. "I'm exploring. The beds of seaweeds sometimes hold some interesting finds!" she squeaked excitedly. She couldn't help it, even if she found the lady off she liked to show off her finds and explore. It gave her something to do when Val was off with her mother.

When the woman offered to help her fill the bag Zana eyed her nervously, not knowing if she was going to get into trouble for hanging around with a wolf. She was willing to take the chance as her ribbon wrapped tail began to beat excitedly as she giggled. "You really wanna help?" she asked, unsure if this was just some game or if she actually would help her find more shark teeth and nice shells.

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